Monday, July 16, 2012

More to me then meets the eye

Something has really been bothering me lately....I think people do not truly understand me.  I am not the type of woman who demands that J stay home and not go out. I'm not the type of woman that demands or nags anything of him. I am just not that type.  J and I do love to spend time with each other doing things. I don't want to have a ton of girl friends and always go out. I'd much rather go take a walk on the beach with J, or just hang out and talk.  J and I have a mutual friend that has been Js close friend for a long time...He has become part of our family. He respects our relationship our family and that I respect in him. So its a great thing when I can go chill his friend. Makes me feel apart of something. He loves the kids and has been named "Uncle Andrew". The girls adore him, and he takes good care of them. I will never ever take that friendship away from J...that is just not right. Some woman do not understand that. Friendships should not be taken lightly.

Yes I am a mom, but more importantly I am a daughter, friend, and lover. I need time out to just chill out.....If I don't take care of myself then I won't be able to take care of my kids.  I'm not asking to go out and do fancy things....can't afford it even if I wanted to. I have needs just like everyone else. I love to take care of everyone, and love to make people smile. I just sometimes need some me time.

I may seem shy at first but once you get to know me you'll know how truly caring I really am. See I do not trust a lot of people, and will not open up to you if I don't trust. Trust is a HUGE thing for me.....I do not make friends easy, because I feel like they do not understand me.  Once I trust you then I can feel like I can open up to you. Don't think of me being rude, because I am not. I'd give the shirt off my back to those who need it. I believe that respect is something that should not be used lightly. You respect me and I will respect you. You disrespect me and you will not earn it back.

So next time you think you know me....look again because there is more to me then meets the eye.